Local Missions

On site pantry of emergency food and toiletry items for those in need. If you need assistance in this area please contact us during business hours.

Backpack Buddies
This program ensures that identified kids at the Decatur ISD STEM Academy have access to meals/snacks outside of school.

Wise Choices Pregnancy Center
We support Wise Choices Pregnancy Center who helps young couples and women in Wise County to make informed decisions about pregnancy.
Kids Hope
RISE Church partners with the non-profit, Kids Hope USA. Through a Kids Hope USA mentor program, students meet once a week for one hour with a mentor – someone who is there just for them. This one-on-one attention of another caring and consistent adult in a student’s life makes a difference!
We believe that all kids matter to Jesus and that the local church is uniquely called to care for children in their community who would benefit from another caring, reliable relationship.
Global Missions
We believe in fulfilling the Great Commision. Throughout RISE’s history we have participated in and facilitated missions trips around the world. As trips are added to the schedule, we will update here. If you have any questions about how you can participate in any of these opportunities, please contact: Pastor Garrett